Patrick has been an Artist for ages. Literally – like the Stone Ages, Metallic Ages . . . you know, ages. It was rough for him in those early years. Imagine how difficult it was to create a beautiful painting in the dark. His quest to be a great artist continues, as he’s always a student of art, though he’s never been a great student in general, never listening, being free-spirited always doing what he wanted. Perhaps that’s why they call him the Professor, that or the fact that he actually was one for a near 10 years. Patrick never boasts that as an artist he can do everything, but it’s pretty well known; he’s successful, musically adept, creatively poetic, for fun studies quantum physics and is a published author. In fact, the art on this site has been handpicked to be the best representation of his talents. With a photographic memory and affinity for perfection, Patrick is an absolute professional. He makes great art into exceptional art and keeps everyone on their toes (or running for cover). Patrick’s hobbies include climbing trees with his cat, succeeding, dreaming in lucidity and loathing waking up in the morning.